Grab a ⏱ and set if for :30 Sec Intervals flowing from one core movement right into the next. Finish each round with :60 Seconds of Max Effort Push Ups, and then recover for :60 Seconds before beginning your next round! Complete as many rounds as you’re up for with each Round being 5MIN of work/1MIN of recovery - (6 MIN Total)
Let us know how you do & if you have any questions!
:30 Secs Each from one to the next!
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Cross-body Mountain Climbers
3. V-Sit Pulses
4. Seated Rotations
5. Shoulder Taps
6. Plank Jacks
7. Toe Reaches
8. Heel Taps
9. :60 Max Effort Push Ups
Rest :60 Seconds & begin again from the top!
Music: Flow
Musician: LiQWYD
@_purestateliving #purestateliving